my life in paris

my life in paris
illustration by Sophie Griotto

Saturday, March 26, 2011

'Ello Poppet

not a cloud in sight!

Who wants to move to London? I do! I love loved loved London you guys. It was just “cool” like you would expect it to be. Everyone was SO nice and it was AMAZING to get to speak English and understand people. That accent….that accent just makes every guy THAT much hotter, and they’re pretty hot already so….what more can I say?

I stayed with my friend Saskia at her flat in Shoreditch by Brick Lane where we went to get some incredible Indian food as soon as I got there. Tandori prawns anyone? We even brought our own beers from our place and they didn’t care that we brought them inside. We went to a bar where they were playing tons of dubstep and met up with my friend Kailyn before we went on to Saskia’s friend’s flat party. Cabs in London are HUGE (unlike Paris, you can actually take more than 3 people) and look super cute and old-school. 

My first full day was GORGEOUS (apparently the first in months) with not a cloud in the sky. We walked by Buckingham Palace and through the park which was lovely. I got some strawberry ice cream (delicious) which matched all of the cherry blossoms in the trees. It just felt like SUCH a pretty day!

I nearly died when we went shopping on Oxford Street, nearly died due to an OVERLOAD of greediness. Everything was soooooooo cute (and inexpensive if you didn’t convert the pounds to dollars)! I even decided on an entire style-adaptation while there because I was inspired. I now want to go all boho à la Kate Moss and Sienna Miller and with my new hair I think it’s totally suitable. I limited myself to this trench coat I had wanted since I saw it online a few weeks ago and a little white bohemian dress. 

We went out to a hipster club/bar thing out in Camden for my British friend Luke’s birthday. The club/bar was REALLY cool. It used to be horse stables apparently and they converted it into a club so now there are like couches and stripper poles in those stalls. They were also blasting techno/discoelectronica in two different rooms which was cool. Later we went to Luke’s place for continued drinking and it was fun actually getting to know some native peoples. We made some cool friends including two really nice girls whom we happened to see the next day in line for the ATM. 

Taylor Taylor London

After I got my hair cut at Taylor Taylor London by a Mr. James Rowe (such a cool guy; had tattoos and CRAZY skills) where they had a cocktail/coffee/tea bar, candy, and the cutest decor in the world, the two girls took us to a market and I got some MEXICAN FOOD! It was good and cheap and there were endless amounts of things that I wanted at that market (jewelry, scarves, food, ahhh). 

notice London Bridge in the background?/my new trench

We did some more sightseeing and walked along the Thames. The atmosphere was just really pleasant and it was all clean (which I appreciated since there is quite a bit of dog poop and piss all over Paris). Parliament was gorgeous as was Westminster Abbey (aka future site of the Kate & William wedding). 

Stupidly, I didn't take ANY pictures at night (intoxication?). That is my mission for my next trip there.

Also, the myth about there not being good food in England, totally FALSE. I can’t wait to go back and get some sausage & mash with some people I met there. CAN’T WAIT TO GO BACK!!!

Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve left anything btw. I’ll try and be better about that and put up some more random/fun stuff!


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