my life in paris

my life in paris
illustration by Sophie Griotto

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beer, Chocolate, Fries & Waffles

Don’t all of those things just sound like you’ve arrived in some fattening heaven? Well I did a few weeks ago for my friend Kristin's 21st birthday. It started out with boarding a bus for four hours (still drunk from the night before) with everything I needed but my tights despite a night of drunk packing. Most seats were full so we had to sit separately, luckily I sat next to a nice girl who didn’t snore or make weird noises, and picked up my glasses which flew off of my tray. 

We arrived at Bruxelles Midi which is some weird station on the outskirts. I was sort of disappointed, thinking I would end up in some jolly city which only tiny European countries can offer. We hopped on the metro and as soon as we ascended to what seemed to be nothing but blue sky from the bottom of the metro stairs, I was happy! Our hostel ended up being a series of modern little apartments complete with kitchen, separate bedroom, patio, and (my personal obsession) television.

Within an hour of us being there I was so happy to be around nice people who spoke French. Don’t get me wrong, I love the French, but sometimes the ones I encounter around tourist areas are a little pissed off at all of the tourists (understandable and I am now pissed off at them come their April migration). Maybe it’s all of the beer and sugar that makes Belgians so nice. 

Brussels offered a ton of cool stuff (art galleries, an abundance of delicious food stands, and humorous landmarks). I probably could have spent a week at Delirious, the bar with apparently the most amount of beers in the world (their menu was a full-on magazine). They had giant barrels for tables, 90s rock on repeat, and tattoo-covered bartenders. I could just see myself dancing on one of those barrels, mango beer in hand, singing along to the Red Hot Chili Peppers as the chorus around me joined in. But alas, to the clubs we had to go.

the ceiling at Delirium: good view from atop a barrel right?

After a dinner of muscles and fries (weird combination right?) we went to a club. I must say, I quite enjoyed the dj that night at the club. But next time I’ll leave the clubbing to Rome and London.

Sunday (continuing my perpetual hungover weekend), we found our way to Bruges. Ahhhh Bruges. Has anyone seen the movie “In Bruges” with Colin Ferrel? Well that’s what I was thinking of the entire time (and Flemish painters). Just adorable street after adorable street of medieval brick buildings, chocolate shops, horse-drawn carriages, waffle stands and canals. 

After a fantastic Belgian meat stew, I embarked on my personal tour of Belgian chocolate. Some pieces from posh, cheap, reputable, and random shops. The most amazing thing was the hot chocolate which was warm milk and a wooden spool with a huge chunk of pure milk chocolate on the end that you place in it and wait to melt. It was the most magical little Belgian day in Bruges. Sunniness and gorgeous scenery were everywhere (trees, flowers, canals). There was even a cute little trinket fair (refer to previous entry on trinkets) to tickle my fancy hahaha. 

We made our way back to Brussels that afternoon and nearly missed our bus. When I finally got on, again, I had to sit with a random. We were unloading our stuff into our seats when I notice the girl next to me had the same book the first one had on the way to Belgium. The random I was sitting next to was the same girl from Saturday's bus ride there. We both realized at the same time, gave a nice enthusiastic smile and “hello”, and soon everyone was asleep to the sounds of the Russian driver and buddy in front of us chatting it up. The gorgeous French countryside passed us by: castles, cathedrals, villages, and I felt so happy having come full circle, back in Paris.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ladurée Pastry & OOTD

When I woke up today after skipping my class, I saw that it was a glorious, sunny, just absolutely gorgeous day and knew that I had to go to Ladurée to get myself a rose macaron. It is my absolute favorite dessert on the go and the flavor/color is just epic on a day like today in Paris.

When I got to the shop, there it was, the most beautiful culinary creation I had ever seen: a rose framboise (raspberry) Saint Honoré (specific kind of French pastry) sitting there waiting for me to eat it for lunch. So what did Allison and I do? We ordered two of course (one each) and a couple of macarons for dessert after dinner later.

I also happened to be wearing a befitting/matching outfit with my scarf and bag from Florence, and trusty highlighter pink t-shirt from Victoria's Secret. The white jacket is from a Parisienne flea market (les puces) that I got for only 7 euros. I love it! and my bag! There is a picture of it that I took at Giverny (more posts on that excursion & Belgium to come):

I love Spring in Paris!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Balmain Studded Jacket

I am obsessed with this white studded leather jacket from Balmain. I was watching a makeup tutorial by Lisa Eldridge on her Elle cover look for Cheryl Cole (British popstar who is apparently huge in the UK but no one gives a shit about in America) and went look at the original photo to see what the hell she was talking about. Within the pictures there was a shot of Cheryl Cole wear this AMAZING white studded leather jacket. You could only see the collar in the first picture I saw but there is also a shot of the back in the editorial and it is AMAZING.

Too bad this jacket is in the 5-figure range and there definitely won't be any viable knock-offs. In the words of Rachel Zoe: "I die."


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ombre Hair

Alright, when I first saw ombre hair I was like “what the fuck?” I mean, why would you want your hair to look like you dyed it and you’re so lazy you let your roots grow out? It just looked so weird to me, but now, here I am sporting ombre hair.

It’s not quite ombre yet. I just died the ends a little on bits of my hair and the color is barely noticeable but it’s definitely added a bit of depth. I’m working on getting my hair like this:

Most people who I’ve asked have told me not to dye my dark hair. I’ve always loved my hair but it’s just always been THE SAME. I’m bored with it. It’s always been so dark and now, especially with summer coming up, I want a major change. It was probably a bad idea to choose to dye my hair in Europe where I can’t really communicate with anyone and their techniques are totally different than in America, but oh well. Now is the time.

So let me know what you think. Is it weird? Do you like it? Are you unsure? Would YOU dye your hair like this? Even if you object, I’ll probably still do it anyway, but I still want to hear it.




I didn’t really like wine that much. I always thought wine was generally too bitter and the alcohol content was so much lower than my preferred drinks of choice (whiskey, rum, etc.) that it seemed pretty pointless. Not to mention, I had always heard that wine gives you terrible hangovers, a phenomenon which I had been experiencing more often. 

But in France, wine is a culture. You have wine with everything and certain types of wine go with certain foods. A bunch of us did a wine tasting in February, and although I was EXTREMELY hungover that day, I loved it. Now, I find myself purchasing 2-3 bottles at a time (I don’t drink them in one night people). Rosé, blanc, rouge, etc. I love them all. I could drink wine all the time. And it really gets me drunk.

Allison and I typically share a bottle of wine during dinner. We watch the British tv show “Skins” on Netflicks, and by 30 minutes into the episode, I’m usually feeling a pretty good buzz. If it’s a night where I’m going out, I usually pop open another bottle of wine and oiala! I’m drunk. It’s usually  a pretty good drunk too. Granted, I get a bit of Asian glow, but it’s still fantastic. 

It’s not just that I’ve discovered its ability to gradually and painlessly get me drunk, I also REALLY love the taste. Rosé is my favorite. It’s a smooth and relaxing drink that goes great with food and I can’t wait to get home, cook dinner, and start on another bottle. This post kind of makes me sounds like an alcoholic, but I’m in France, and drinking wine here is like having that “apple a day” in a America. Necessary.
