my life in paris

my life in paris
illustration by Sophie Griotto

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I didn’t really like wine that much. I always thought wine was generally too bitter and the alcohol content was so much lower than my preferred drinks of choice (whiskey, rum, etc.) that it seemed pretty pointless. Not to mention, I had always heard that wine gives you terrible hangovers, a phenomenon which I had been experiencing more often. 

But in France, wine is a culture. You have wine with everything and certain types of wine go with certain foods. A bunch of us did a wine tasting in February, and although I was EXTREMELY hungover that day, I loved it. Now, I find myself purchasing 2-3 bottles at a time (I don’t drink them in one night people). Rosé, blanc, rouge, etc. I love them all. I could drink wine all the time. And it really gets me drunk.

Allison and I typically share a bottle of wine during dinner. We watch the British tv show “Skins” on Netflicks, and by 30 minutes into the episode, I’m usually feeling a pretty good buzz. If it’s a night where I’m going out, I usually pop open another bottle of wine and oiala! I’m drunk. It’s usually  a pretty good drunk too. Granted, I get a bit of Asian glow, but it’s still fantastic. 

It’s not just that I’ve discovered its ability to gradually and painlessly get me drunk, I also REALLY love the taste. Rosé is my favorite. It’s a smooth and relaxing drink that goes great with food and I can’t wait to get home, cook dinner, and start on another bottle. This post kind of makes me sounds like an alcoholic, but I’m in France, and drinking wine here is like having that “apple a day” in a America. Necessary.


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